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The 2025
Light Leaks Festival, now in its 9th edition, celebrates the environment in which photography unfolds and explores the dynamic interactions between photographers and their surroundings.
For the 2025 edition, the festival shifts its focus to the Quartier Gare, the vibrant and multifaceted neighborhood surrounding Luxembourg Central Station.
More than just a transit point, the Gare area is a place where journeys begin and end, where lives intersect, and where hope and fear intertwine. For some, it’s a home; for others, a meeting spot for friends or long-lost family. It’s a space brimming with movement, emotions and memories.
For the 2025
Light Leaks Festival, the Luxembourg Streetphoto Collective has chosen to spotlight this unique and evocative location, capturing its essence through the lens of photography. Join them as they explore the rich tapestry of life in and around Luxembourg Gare.
- Genres : Festival & Photographie
- Organisateur / Collaboration : Organisé par Luxembourg Streetphoto Collective
En collaboration avec les Rotondes - Âge :
- À partir de 14 ans
- Jusqu’à 99 ans

.- Lieux : Klub, Black Box, Co:Work, Studio 4, Parvis & Hors les murs
- Informations additionnelles : Voir aussi :
Exposition Mäi Quartier
Lun 21.04 - Dim 01.06.25
Place de Strasbourg
Exposition Photothèque du Luxembourg
Jeu 15.05 - Sam 31.05.25
Passerelle piétonne de la gare centrale - Prix :. Expositions et marchés : entrée libre
Conférences, ateliers et portfolio reviews : consulter le site du festival pour plus d'infos et les tickets - Liens :