

MONODRAMA FESTIVAL - Medea - Red Emptiness

Medea – Red Emptiness 

By Sophia Dionysopoulou 

With Despoina Sarafeidou 


In Greek with English subtitles 



Two Medeas, one actress. Medea the witch and Medea the woman who suffers. The one defeats death and speaks the future, the other lives the deception of the present. Majesty and passion in one person. A play where murder is abolished. 

The work is based on the pre-Euripides versions of myths. The children are not killed. They are sacrificed to Hera so as to become immortal and, in that way, they are saved from the anger of the Corinthians. 

The text is a lyric monologue written for an actress and performed as a poem.  

Text & Direction Sophia Dionysopoulou 

Crown, crinoline Alexander Collections 

Music supervisor Marina Mentzou 

Lighting design Panagiotis Manousis 

Choreography consultant Alexia Nikolaou 

Public relations Katerina Grylllaki 

Production 1+1=1 Theatre Company 

In Cooperation with Mitos Asbl 

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Numéro de téléphone : +352 621 237 859

11 June 2024
De 20:00 à 21:00
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Rue du Puits
L-2359 LUXEMBOURG luxembourg
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Tarif normal 20

Tarif réduit 8

Kulturpass 1.5

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