


Projet "Force bleus"

From March 10th to March 21st, the Force Bleues project team will be in residence at the Kufa. The residency will be accompanied by a showing & a discussion on Friday 21 March at 3pm.

Thomas is the son of Marc, an acrobatic aerialist with the Préfecture de Police in Paris. Few people still talk about these shows put on by the French police at the end of the 1980s, even though they were very popular and toured the countryside and the whole of ‘Europe of the 12’. As an adult, Thomas came across a police check he couldn't stand. He got involved and appeared before the Paris Police Court. Caught in the trap of a resentment he doesn't understand, the heroes of his childhood invite themselves to his trial. Memories flood in as the prosecution questions him.


His father sometimes worked nights. Just like on the night of 5 to 6 December 1986, when Malik Oussekine, aged 22, was beaten to death by three PVM - Peloton de Voltigeurs Motoportés - police officers in a stairwell. His father didn't just fly around in broad daylight, in the spotlight.

Documentary Object Theater

By and with: Thomas Gourdy

Live music: Alexandre du Closel

Outside eyes: Julie Bertin

Production: Compagnie La Bande Passante -

21 March 2025
De 15:00 à 15:00
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